set designer for opera and perfomance designer

Freitag aus Licht


by Karlheinz Stockhausen

Le Balcon, Orchestre d'enfants du Conservatoire à Rayonnement
Régional de Lille, Chœur Notre-Dame de Paris

Musical direction / Maxime Pascal
Direction & scenography / Silvia Costa 
Lighting designer / Bernd Purkrabek
Assistant director / Rosabel Huguet Dueñas
Assistant scenography / Elena Zamparutti
Costume designer / Bianca Deigner
Assistant costumes / Domitile Guinchard
Sound projection / Florent Derex
Musical electronics / Augustin Muller & Étienne Démoulin 
Conductor of the children's choir / Emilie Fleury
Vocal coach / Alain Muller 
Sculptures and automates / Plastikart studio
Eva / Jenny Daviet
Elu / Iris Zerdoud
Lufa / Charlotte Bletton
Ludon / Antoin HL Kessel 
Kaino / Halidou Number Dudu Number
Synthibird / Sarah Kim & Haga Ratovo
The Choir/ Emmanuelle Monier , Pauline Nachman, Marie Picaut, Michiko Takahashi, Léa Trommenschlager, Ayako Yukawa, Frédéric Albou, Arthur Cady, Bertrand Bontoux, Jean-Christophe Brizard, David Colosio, Florent Martin
The dancers / Rosabel Huguet Dueñas (the arm), Suzanne Meyer (the mouth), Jean-Baptiste Plumeau (the leg).
The demiurge children / Colette Verdier, Marin Rayon, Alexis Mazars, Stéphane Poulet, Edgar Cemin, Arsène Toy

A production of Opéra de Lille & Le Balcon.
In co-production with the Festival d'Automne à Paris & the Philharmonie de Paris
photos / Simon Gosselin

Freitag aus Licht is the opera of temptation:  the temptation is to use the body as if it were a musical instrument, the temptation to turn one sound into another.  A special interest for Karlheinz Stockhausen is the focus on the way sound moves through space, creating mobile sound in relief.

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Elena Zamparutti @2024